Now is the Right Time Invest in Your Pharmacy

You can count on our industry knowledge and over 35 years in business. We provide financing to Health Care Professionals. We finance retail, long term care, and compounding pharmacies.

Secure Quick Credit Application
The financing is intended for business or professional use only.
Please fill this application out completely, enter "NA" when not applicable
Need help or have quesetions on this form? Please contact
Andy Kleinman | Mobile: 302.743.9647
Office: 302.764.5007 | Fax: 302.416.5459
Total Amount Requested:
Equipment Description:
Pharmacist's Name:
Pharmacy Legal Business Name:
Pharmacy Address:
City, State, Zip: ,
Pharmacist's Home Address:
City, State, Zip: ,
Tax ID Number(Leave blank if not immedately known):
Gross Annual Revenue (Last Year):
Pharmacy Phone: - -
Mobile Phone: - -
Supplier's Name:
Supplier Contact:
Supplier Contact Phone or Email:
Date of Birth:
Social Security #: - -
Years Licensed as a Pharmacist:
Are You A U.S. Citizen: Yes / No
Do You Own Another Established Pharmacy: Yes / No

Permission Statement
You understand by clicking the “I Accept “ button following this notice you are providing “written instructions” to allow GROUP FINANCIAL SERVICES to obtain information on your personal credit profile and public records sources. I hereby understand and authorize our banks, consumer agencies, trade references, and financial institutions to compile and furnish any information pertaining to our credit and financial responsibilities as requested by GROUP FINANCIAL SERVICES or its assigns and photostatic, facsimile, or other electronic copies of this authorization may be submitted to obtain the release of this information.
I accept

All programs, rates, terms and amounts are subject to equipment review, credit approval, professional time licensed and business verifications. Other terms and structures may be available upon request. First payment (unless deferred) and small processing fee due with final contract. All payments are subject to any applicable sales tax and shipping. Call for terms on tractions under $10,000. Upon approval terms are confirmed but rates may be subject to change at the first of each month based on reflected changes in Like U.S. Treasuries Rates and Federal Reserves Rates and date of final loan closing. Rate and term are fixed once loan closes. Deferred options are not same as cash programs. Deferred options are fixed rate finance agreements with low payments for the first selected deferral months.
A Group Financial Services representative will contact you shortly to discuss your application and the terms available for your equipment or project needs. We offer terms from 12 Months up to 10 years and will structure the best program to fit your needs.

Submitting this form does not obligate you to take any of our loan packages.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.
Call Us Toll Free: 1-800-336-8562